MSE-D150 - Distance Measurement
The MSE-D150 Laser Distance Measurement Sensor is designed for mobile and stationary distance
measurement in a industrial environment. The sensor MSE-D150 distinguishes itself through a high precision as well as a big independence of
the surface of the measured object. The MSE-D150 is design for fast measurement on a white target.
The red, well visible laser beam allows a simple alignment.
- Millimetre precise measurement at various surfaces
- Long range reflector-less distance measurement,
with additional reflectors on the object over 100m
with additional reflectors1 mounted onto target
- Simple alignment with a visible laser class
- Stable and simple to installing housing with
Protection IP 65
- Profibus DP via UNIGATE Gateway
- Bi-directional data-interface, switching and anlogue
- Distance and position measurement
- Supervision of crane and conveyors
- Diameter measurement of coils
- Supervision of walking beam systems / stroke length measurement / position of lifts